Summary: Six infertile patients had been studied previously (Dodson et al., 1975b) and were shown to produce inefficient corpora lutea which appeared to be predetermined by ovulation of “poorly grown” follicles. In a second cycle these infertile patients were treated with 50 mg of clomiphene per day for five days. The resulting plasma sex steroid and gonadotrophin profiles were compared with those found before treatment and with the profiles in normal patients (Dodson et al., 1975a). Treatment with clomiphene appeared to produce increased follicular growth and more active corpora lutea.Thanks are due to Dr. Philip England, Research Department, Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital, who supervised the LH assays; Mr. Alan Craig, Searle Scientific Services, who supervised the FSH assays; Dr. P. D. G. Dean for a gift of oestradiol antiserum; Mr. W. McNally, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, for art work and the Medical Research Council for financial support (MRC 971/222/C).

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