Radiation Hazard to Operating Room Personnel During Operative Cholangiography

• During operative cholangiography, the surgeon and other operating room personnel are exposed to scattered radiation and its potential hazards. It was determined that a surgeon standing at the side of the patient during cholangiographic filming would receive 3.2 mR per film. Exposure would be only 0.5 mR per film if the surgeon stepped back 75 cm (2.5 ft) from the patient. This simple measure would reduce the monthly exposure of a surgeon who performs four cholangiograms per week from approximately 205 to 32 mR. The use of the new electronic video-disc recording systems and lead aprons can substantially reduce the amount of radiation exposure related to fluoroscopy. The prudent surgeon, recalling that no level of radiation may be totally safe, should use techniques that provide maximal protection for himself and all operating room personnel during performance of operative cholangiography. (Arch Surg 115:1431-1433, 1980)