Calcium modulation and chemotactic response: divergent stimulation of neutrophil chemotaxis and cytosolic calcium response by the chemotactic peptide receptor.

Stimulation of neutrophils by chemoattractants is followed by a rapid, transient rise in cytosolic calcium concentration. The role of calcium in activation of cell movement and related responses was examined by selectively chelating extracellular or both extra- and intracellular calcium. Removal of calcium from the extracellular medium did not alter the cytosolic calcium concentration (Quin 2 fluorescence, 110 to 120 nM) of unstimulated neutrophils and did not dramatically affect the rise induced by formyl peptide. Despite the intact Quin 2 response, depletion of extracellular calcium partially inhibited chemotaxis, adherence to substrate, and polarization (increased forward light scatter) in response to formyl peptide. Loading neutrophils with Quin 2 in the absence of calcium depressed cytosolic Ca2+ to 10 to 20 nM and abrogated a detectable rise with formyl peptide stimulation. Depletion of intracellular calcium further inhibited chemotaxis and polarization, although neutrophils still demonstrated significant directed migration and shape change to formyl peptide (30 to 40% of control) without an increase in Quin 2 fluorescence. Other neutrophil responses related to chemotaxis (decreased right-angle light scatter, actin polymerization) were minimally affected by depletion of calcium from either site. The data indicate that neutrophil chemotaxis and related responses to formyl peptide may be activated by intracellular signals not detectable with Quin 2.