Domestic Water and Dental Caries: V. Additional Studies of the Relation of Fluoride Domestic Waters to Dental Caries Experience in 4,425 White Children, Aged 12 to 14 Years, of 13 Cities in 4 States

A comprehensive clinical survey was conducted confirming previous findings that the incidence of dental caries was correlated inversely with the amt. of fluorine contained in the water supply. The continuous use of domestic waters containing as low as one p.p.m. was found associated with a relatively low dental caries experience. Only sporadic instances of mild dental fluorosis were found, indicating that the caries inhibiting factors associated with fluorine were effective at concs. so low that mottled enamel ceased to be an accessory complication. No relationship could be found between the caries incidence and the hrs. of sunshine, the hardness of the domestic water or gross dissimilarities in diet.