Phase-shift analysis of the 20-30-MeVppandnpscattering data, including new high-precisionnp P(θ)measurements

The available pp and np scattering data in the energy range 20-30 MeV are analyzed and reduced in order to obtain a minimum set without loss of statistically significant information. The new Jones-Brooks and Morris-O'Malley-May-Thornton high-precision np p(θ) data are included. The resulting set of 43 pp and 65 np independent data are augmented by Coulomb splittings of the pp and np isospin-one phase shifts and by high and intermediate angular momentum phase shifts computed from πn, ππ, and en data via analyticity and unitarity. Each of these three additions has a significant effect on the low angular momentum phase shifts. The resulting D-wave phase parameters are in much better agreement with the values produced by potential models than were those produced by the earlier Livermore continuous-energy analysis.