Raster-scan imaging with normal-incidence, midinfrared InAs/GaAs quantum dot infrared photodetectors

We demonstrate normal incidence infrared imaging with quantum dot infrared photodetectors using a raster-scan technique. The device heterostructure, containing multiple layers of InAs/GaAs self-organizedquantum dots, were grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. Individual devices have been operated at temperatures as high as 150 K and, at 100 K, are characterized by λ peak =3.72 μ m , J dark =6×10 −10 A/cm 2 for a bias of 0.1 V, and D * =2.94×10 9 cm Hz 1/2 / W at a bias of 0.2 V. Raster-scan images of heated objects and infrared light sources were obtained with a small (13×13) interconnected array of detectors (to increase the photocurrent) at 80 K.