Cadmium- and mercury-resistant Bacillus strains from a salt marsh and from Boston Harbor

Bacteria resistant to cadmium or mercury or both were isolated from the Great Sippewissett Marsh (Cape Cod, Mass.) and from Boston Harbor. Many of these metal-resistant isolates were gram-positive aerobic sporeformers, although not necessarily isolated as spores. Although several of the isolated strains bore plasmids, cadmium and mercury resistances appeared to be, for the most part, chromosomally encoded. DNA sequence homology of the gram-positive cadmium- and mercury-resistant isolates was not demonstrable with metal resistance genes from plasmids of either gram-positive (pI258) or gram-negative (pDB7) origin. Cadmium resistance of all the marsh isolates tested resulted from reduced Cd2+ transport. On the other hand, three cadmium-resistant harbor isolates displayed considerable influx but no efflux of Cd2+. Hg-resistant strains detoxified mercury by transforming Hg2+ to volatile Hg0 via mercuric reductase.