Studies on the pathogenesis of acute inflammation

The inflammatory reaction induced in ear chambers of rabbits by heat injury was studied in nondiabetic animals made hyperglycemic with continuous infusions of glucose. Hypertonic solutions of glucose administered intravenously to rabbits induced the following triad: hyperglycemia, hyperosmolality, and metabolic lactic acidosis. It was found that relatively short periods of this metabolic abnormality were associated with a significant reduction in the intensity of the inflammatory reaction. There was no evidence microscopically of circulatory impairment within ear chambers; and since neither arterial hypotension nor oxygen deficit was recorded during experiments, it appeared most likely that decreased leucocytic margination per se best explained the inhibited exudative response. Hyperglycemia seemed the dominant factor responsible for this anti-inflammatory effect. It was found subsequently that hyperglycemia and hyperosmolality without metabolic acidosis impaired cellular exudation just as well.