Reciprocal and nonreciprocal high TE-TM modes conversions in Tb,Al and Gd,Ga substituted garnet films

Very large energy exchange (more than 97%) between TE and TM modes of YIG : Tb,Al guides have been obtained for short propagation lengths (less than 2 mm) in the near infrared (1.152 μm). These performances are better than those of YIG : Gd,Ga layers (97% in 4 mm). With such guides we can reduce M.O. device dimensions; they can be used in the integrated magneto‐optics. Also high nonreciprocal conversions (9% conversion in one propagation direction and 93% in the opposite direction) have been obtained in YIG : Gd,Ga films. A nonreciprocity theory is discussed for monosection uniform waveguides. This theory shows that the guides in which we obtained the nonreciprocity cannot be monosection but multisections.