For atomic media with resonant Doppler-broadened transitions of J=0 to J'=1 or J=1 to J'=0 type and taking into account the relaxation due to depolarizing collisions a theory of nonlinear magneto-optic polarization phenomena is developed. The theory is valid in the case of both arbitrary resonance linearly-polarized radiation intensity and arbitrary external magnetic field spatial orientation. The Faraday and Voigt geometries are analysed in detail, and in the case of the Faraday geometry the effect is considered of a noncompensated magnetic field transverse component on the shape of a dependence relating the radiation polarization plane rotation angle to a magnetic field longitudinal component. In the case of the Voigt geometry an essential effect is found of the angle between the radiation initial polarization and transverse magnetic field vectors on the character of the dependence relating the radiation polarization plane rotation angle to the transverse magnetic field magnitude.