The ultra-sound image camera

The ultra-sound image camera enables a visible image to be reproduced of the ultra-sound intensity distribution on the camera face. Coupled with acoustic lenses, and immersed in a suitable medium, the internal structure of substances or objects transparent to ultrasonic waves can be studied with the instrument. In its uses it is complementary to X-ray and to ultrasonic pulse-echo inspection methods. It has applications to the non-destructive testing of materials and engineering components, and also to medical diagnosis.An ultra-sound camera tube and complete viewing equipment have been built. The sensitivity for unity signal/noise ratio is 10−7 W/cm2 at the camera face, and the resolution is 0.5 mm at 4 Mc/s. It is one of several possible types of ultra-sound camera. The design is discussed, and directions into which further research and development might be taken are also considered.

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