Effects of nitrogen carriers, nitrogen rates, and maturity on composition of smooth bromegrass

Magnesium and Ca concentrations in smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis L) were not affected by late‐winter applications of N. Magnesium concentrations were constant until rapid growth in mid‐May then they declined until early June harvest. Highest seasonal concentrations were found in the fall regrowth. Calcium concentrations declined as plants matured in spring. Highest seasonal Ca concentrations were found in the fall regrowth. Nitrogen, P, and K concentrations and K/(Ca+Mg) ratios were increased by N applications during early spring but did not differ significantly by early June harvest. Nitrogen and P concentrations decreased as plants matured in spring and fall. K concentrations and K/(Ca+Mg) ratios changed inconsistently from sampling date to sampling date. Forage yields were approximately doubled by 67 kg N/ha and tripled by 202 kg N/ha. Significant yield differences were related to different N carriers.