Injective W*-algebras

Let M be a W*-algebra. If π is a non-degenerate faithful normal representation of M on a Hilbert space H, M is said to be injective [(8), § 5] if there is a projection of norm one from L(H) onto π(M). Tomiyama [(13), theorem 7.2] has shown that this definition is independent of the choice of representation π, and, moreover, that M is injective if and only if the commutant π(M)′ is injective for some such π. M is said to be semidiscrete [(8), § 3] if the identity map on M can be approximated in the topology of simple-weak* convergence by completely positive normal linear maps in L(M) of finite rank which preserve the identity. If π is a non-degenerate faithful normal representation of M on a Hilbert space H, a *-homomorphism η of the algebraic tensor product M ⊙ π (M)′ into L(H) is defined by If η has a bounded extension to M ⊗ π(M)′ (the completion relative to the spatial C*-cross norm) we shall say that M is amenable.

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