Charged particle emission fromHg194compound nuclei: Energy and spin dependence of fission-evaporation competition

Twelve reactions have been studied that produce the compound system Hg194* at excitation energies of 57 - 195 MeV and with lcrit values of 25142. Beams of C12, F19, Ne20, and Ar40 ions in conjunction with appropriate targets have been used to measure cross sections for evaporative H/He, fission, and evaporation residues. These results confirm that most H1 and He4 is evaporated prior to fission or instead of fission and very little if any from the fission fragments. The probability of H/He evaporation increases dramatically with excitation energy. The evaporation residue cross sections (σERπλ2) indicate fission survival for entrance channel l up to 2739. Fission survival becomes stronger and corresponding fission competition becomes weaker for excitation ≥ 100 MeV; a connection with charged particle emission is suggested. The dimensionless cross section for evaporation residue (σERπλ2) depends on both the entrance channel and on energy, indicating that nonequilibrium mechanisms must play an important role, even for l40. Heretofore evaporation residue production has been usually thought to arise from lower partial waves while direct reactions have been thought to dominate only for the higher partial waves.