Fisheries of the Forth, Scotland

Historical aspects of the Firth of Forth fisheries are described, and the present state of the stocks of exploited species is reviewed. The once-substantial pelagic fisheries have declined and now constitute only a minor component of the firth fisheries. Herring fisheries were based on spring spawning herring but the herring now caught in the firth are from stocks of overwintering juveniles of autumn spawning herring. Recent conservation measures have closed many of the firth grounds to herring and sprat fishing. The main demersal species caught are cod, haddock, whiting, plaice and lemon sole. Most landings are from catches made in the middle and outer firths and the North Sea. The demersal pair trawl is now the most important gear used in directed demersal fishing. The most important shellfish fishery is that for the Norway lobster, current landings being valued at £2·4 million. Over-exploitation resulted in a decline in the stocks in the late 1970s. They are now recovering. Recent studies suggest that population characteristics of Norway lobsters are influenced by the physical environment. The firth today is one of the most intensively exploited areas in Scotland for lobster and crabs. Other exploited shellfish include squid, winkles and mussels.