Isolated Autogenous Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Graft Site Morbidity

To distinguish between morbidity caused by the isolated patellar tendon graft harvest and morbidity associated with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction when the graft is harvested from the involved knee, we studied 20 patients who had an isolated contralateral graft harvest for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in the op posite knee. We defined and quantitated the morbidity by evaluating the uninjured knee from preoperative studies to current followup (range, 0.5 to 5 years; av erage, 2 years). All graft harvest surgeries were per formed in an identical fashion. Rehabilitation of the har vest knee included immediate range of motion, weightbearing, and closed chain kinetic exercises with a emphasis on early strengthening. All patients re gained full knee range of motion by 3 weeks. At final followup, there was no clinical or radiographic evidence of patella contracture or baja. Quadriceps strength av eraged 69% at 6 weeks and returned to 93% at 1 year and 95% at 2 years. Activity-related soreness at the donor site (patellar tendinitis) was rarely restricting and resolved after the 1 st year. No patient complained of patellofemoral joint pain in the donor knee. The modified Noyes subjective questionnaire score averaged 97 of 100 at last followup. The morbidity of an isolated au togenous patellar tendon graft harvest appears to be of short duration and largely reversible.