Observations are made on the morphology of a polystomatid parasite recovered from Ptychadena mascareniensis in two areas of Uganda. Comparisons are made with other material from Zaire, Ethiopia and Uganda and a single taxon, Polystoma pricei (syn. P. africanum aethiopiense), is recognised. The present information on the morphological variation of the species suggests that P. pricei cannot be adequately separated from P. africanum and this latter designation takes precedence. The parasite is widely distributed with the following hosts and range: Bufo regularis in Liberia, Uganda and Ethiopia, Ptychadena mascareniensis in Uganda and Ethiopia, Ptychadena sp. in Zaire, and Rana angolensis in Ethiopia. The systematics of the African species of Polystoma is reviewed and the close affinity of many of the taxa is recognised. Problems in the existing taxonomy of this group are discussed and a Polystoma africanum species complex is proposed.