Role for Thymic and Splenic Regulatory CD4+ T Cells Induced by Donor Dendritic Cells in Allograft Tolerance by LF15-0195 Treatment

A 20-day treatment with LF15-0195, a deoxyspergualine analogue, induced allograft tolerance in a fully MHC-mismatched heart allograft model in the rat. Long-term allografts displayed minimal cell infiltration with no signs of chronic rejection. CD4+ spleen T cells from tolerant LF15-0195-treated recipients were able to suppress in vitro proliferation of allogeneic CD4+ T cells and to transfer tolerance to second syngeneic recipients, demonstrating dominant suppression by regulatory cells. A significant increase in the percentage of CD4+CD25+ T cells was observed in the thymus and spleen from tolerant LF15-0195-treated recipient. In vitro direct stimulation with donor APCs demonstrated that CD4+ regulatory T cells proliferated weakly and expressed low levels of IFN-γ, IL-10, and IL-2. CD4+CD25+ cell depletion increased IL-2 production by CD4+CD25 thymic cells, but not splenic cells. Moreover, tolerance was transferable with splenic and thymic CD4+CD25+ cells, but also in 50% of cases with splenic CD4+CD25 cells, demonstrating that CD25 can be a marker for regulatory cells in the thymus, but not in the periphery. In addition, we presented evidences that donor APCs were required to induce tolerance and to expand regulatory CD4+ T cells. This study demonstrates that LF15-0195 treatment induces donor APCs to expand powerful regulatory CD4+CD25+/− T cells present in both the central and peripheral compartments.

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