Inter—and intra-provenance variation in resistance of red gum foliage to insect feeding

The level of damage to foliage of Eucalyptus blakelyi and E. camaldulensis caused by Cardiaspina albitextura, C. retator, Phylacteophaga froggatti and Mnesampela privata was recorded for a range of provenances in plantations near Seymour and Tatura in Victoria, and in a natural stand near Tumut in New South Wales. The most resistant provenances of E. camaldulensis were from the Lake Frome catchment and Lake Bolac, while the most susceptible provenances were local to the Seymour and Tatura plantation sites. Significant variation in resistance was observed within and between most provenances offering an opportunity for genetic improvement as a means of reducing insect damage in commercial hardwood plantations and agroforestry enterprises.