Stemflow samples from three hardwood and six softwood species were collected during May through October and concentrated by the freeze-concentration method and then freeze-dried. Liquid samples were used for pH determinations and the freeze-dried materials were analyzed for carbohydrates; carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen of the organic fraction; and calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and iron of the inorganic constituents.In comparison with hardwoods, the stemflow from softwoods was more acidic and contained larger concentrations of total solids (organic + inorganic constituents).Except for nitrogen, which was present in larger proportions in hardwood than in softwood stemflow, there was no distinct difference in the composition of other constituents of the organic fraction. Concentrations of cations in the stemflow from the majority of the species decreased in the order of potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium. Only potassium and carbohydrates were returned to the soil in kilogram quantities per hectare whereas the other nutrients were returned in amounts less than 1 kg/ha.