Studies on Protamines

Clupeine extracted from sperm nuclei of Pacific herring is composed of three main molecular species, YI, YII, and Z. The complete amino acid sequences of the two components Z and YII have already been determined. The third component, clupeine YI, was isolated homogeneously as its TNP-derivative by CM-cellulose column chro-matography and submitted to structural analyses. The amino acid composition of clupeine YI is Arg20, Thr2, Ser3, Pro 2, Gly 1, Ala 2, and IIe 1, and the molecular weight is 4841 as hydrochloride. The complete amino acid sequence was established by the use of two complemental degradation procedures, hydrolysis by trypsin [EC 3. 4. 4. 4] and thermolysin. Individual peptides were separated and the sequences were determined. Mainly from the results of two sets of peptides the total sequence was derived: H-Ala-Arg-Arg-Arg-Arg-Ser-Ser-Ser-Arg-Pro-IIe-Arg-Arg-Arg-Arg-Pro-Arg-Arg-Arg-Thr-Thr-Arg-Arg-Arg-Arg-Ala-Gly-Arg-Arg-Arg-Arg-OH.

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