The Urethral Plug: A New Treatment Modality for Genuine Urinary Stress Incontinence in Women

A new modality, the urethral plug, was used to treat 22 women with genuine urinary stress incontinence. The plug is made of thermoplastic elastomer (Kraton G), and consists of a meatal plate, a soft stalk and 1 or 2 spheres along the stalk. The spheres were located according to the result of the urethral pressure profile. The midpoint of the proximal sphere was placed at the bladder neck and the distal sphere was placed just above the maximum urethral pressure point. At voiding the plug was removed and afterwards a new plug was inserted. The plug with 2 spheres was tested in week 1 (period 1) and the plug with only the distal sphere was tested in week 2 (period 2). A total of 22 patients completed period 1. Eight patients did not complete period 2, mostly due to either unchanged incontinence during period 1 or a repeated loss of the plug with 1 sphere. In periods 1 and 2, 73 and 79% of the patients were subjectively and objectively continent or improved. A total of 14 patients completed both periods. Eight patients preferred the plug with 2 spheres, 1 preferred the other plug and 5 had no preference. The side effects were few. This preliminary study shows that the urethral plug seems to be a promising alternative treatment for female genuine urinary stress incontinence.