Black Hole Thermodynamics and Negative Entropy in deSitter and Anti-deSitter Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity

  • 6 December 2001
We investigate the charged Schwarzschild-Anti-deSitter (SAdS) BH thermodynamics in 5d Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity with electromagnetic field. The Hawking-Page phase transitions between SAdS BH and pure AdS space are studied. The corresponding phase diagrams (with critical line defined by GB term coefficient and electric charge) are drawn. The possibility to account for higher derivative Maxwell terms is mentioned. In frames of proposed dS/CFT correspondence it is demonstrated that brane gravity maybe localized similarly to AdS/CFT. SdS BH thermodynamics in 5d Einstein and Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity is considered. The corresponding (complicated) surface counterterms are found and used to get the conserved BH mass, free energy and entropy. The interesting feature of of higher derivative gravity is the possibility for negative (or zero) SdS (or SAdS) BH entropy which depends on the parameters of higher derivative terms. We speculate that the appearence of negative entropy may indicate a new type instability where a transition between SdS (SAdS) BH with negative entropy to SAdS (SdS) BH with positive entropy would occur.

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