Estimates of the absorption of plutonium, americium and curium from the human gut are based on measurements of uptake in other mammalian species. The available data are reviewed in this article. The uptake factors used by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) to derive Annual Limits of Intake (ALIs) for the ingestion of plutonium by workers are discussed and values of absorption for members of the public are proposed. For all adult members of the public ingesting low concentrations of plutonium in food and water, it is proposed that a value of 0.05% should be used except when the conditions of exposure are known and an alternative value can be justified. This compares with the ICRP values of 0.001% for oxides and hydroxides and 0.01% for all other commonly occurring inorganic forms. For dietary intakes of americium and curium, the available data do not warrant a change from the ICRP value of 0.05%. For newborn children ingesting americium, curium and soluble forms of plutonium, a value of 1% absorption is proposed for the first 3 months of life during which the infant is maintained on a milk diet. The adult value of 0.05% is assumed to apply from 9 months of age and therefore a value of 0.5% is proposed for the first year of life. In considering the ingestion of insoluble oxides of plutonium by infants, it is proposed that absorption is taken as 0.1% for the first 3 months and 0.05% for the first year.

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