Semiempirical electronic-structure calculations of the hydrogen-phosphorus pair in silicon

We report the results of electronic-structure calculations on the hydrogen-phosphorus pair in silicon using the modified neglect of diatomic differential overlap (MNDO) method with a finite cluster. We find that the stable geometry for the defect has C3v point-group symmetry with the hydrogen located at the antibonding position of the silicon, which is, in turn, adjacent to the substitutional phosphorus. This prediction is consistent with a model inferred on the basis of infrared spectroscopy. We also calculate hydrogen vibrational frequencies of 2140 and 630 cm1, respectively, for the axial and perpendicular motions. These are considerably different than the values of 1555 and 809 cm1, assigned on the basis of infrared experiments. The physical characteristics of the defect and these differences are discussed.