The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) 2009

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The mission of UniProt is to provide the scientific community with a comprehensive, high-quality and freely accessible resource of protein sequence and functional information that is essential for modern biological research. UniProt is produced by the UniProt Consortium which consists of groups from the European Bioinformatics Institute, the Protein Information Resource and the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. The core activities include manual curation of protein sequences assisted by computational analysis, sequence archiving, a user-friendly UniProt website and the provision of additional value-added information through cross-references to other databases. UniProt is comprised of four major components, each optimized for different uses: the UniProt Archive, the UniProt Knowledge-base, the UniProt Reference Clusters and the UniProt Metagenomic and Environmental Sequence Database. One of the key achievements of the UniProt consortium in 2008 is the completion of the first draft of the complete human proteome in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot. This manually annotated representation of all currently known human protein-coding genes was made available in UniProt release 14.0 with 20 325 entries. UniProt is updated and distributed every three weeks and can be accessed online for searches or downloaded at