Management of Tumours Involving the Cavernous Sinus

The operative experience with 137 tumours of the cavernous sinus at the University of Pittsburgh during the past 7 years is reported. The importance of the normal and tumour-infiltrated cavernous sinus anatomy and imaging is delineated. 63% of the tumours are benign, primarily meningiomas, for which an anatomical grading system is presented. The various operative approaches to the cavernous sinus are described. 88% of the meningiomas were totally resected. There was a 1.5% operative mortality and 1.5% severe morbidity rate. Initial ipsilateral opthalmoplegia progressively improved in the majority of patients. For all patients with at least 6 months of follow up of benign tumours, the intracavernous tumour recurrence rate was 3% and total recurrence rate was 6%.