Morphometry of air-drying-induced arteriosclerosis in rat carotid artery. Effect of air-flow rate.

Arteriosclerosis in the Wistar rat carotid artery was induced by air drying of the endothelium, a procedure that caused media necrosis. We describe a number of technical modifications that facilitate the procedure and minimize damage to the vessel wall (i.e., media necrosis). A morphometric study of vessel wall changes induced by endothelial denudation at various air-flow rates showed that necrosis of the inner medial layer and lesion size and position were constant at all flow rates used (greater than or equal to 28 ml/min). The extent of necrosis of the outer medial layers, the endothelial repair, and the shape of the lesions varied with the air-flow rate used. Since at an air-flow rate of 28 ml/min medial necrosis was minimal and myointimal lesion development was as extensive as at higher flow rates, we consider this air-flow rate to be optimal for this model of experimental arteriosclerosis. We hypothesize that the shape of the myointimal lesion is determined by the timespan of endothelial denudation and by the availability of smooth muscle cells in necrotic and normal media. Furthermore, the proliferation of the smooth muscle cells and their migration into the intima is probably dominant over the repopulation of the media by these cells.