Self-consistent mean-field calculation of surface segregation in a binary polymer blend

In this Brief Report we use a self-consistent mean-field (SCF) method to predict the surface excess (z*) and surface volume fraction (φ1) of the surface active component in a binary polymer blend. The SCF results are in excellent agreement with the measured z* and φ1 values of deuterated polystyrene (dPS) in a blend of dPS and PS. However, the approach proposed by Schmidt and Binder (SB) [J. Phys. (Paris) 46, 1631 (1985)] fails to predict simultaneously z* and φ1 for the same value of the excess surface free energy. A comparison of the dPS volume fraction profiles calculated by the SCF and SB models illustrates the limitations of the SB theory as applied to the dPS-PS experiments. Using the SCF model, the excess surface free energy is shown to have a complex dependence on φ1, in contrast to the linear behavior proposed by SB.