Factor V Antibody and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation

A factor V inhibitor arose in a 79 yr old man within 1 mo. of an operation for a fractured leg. Absorption studies with solid-phase antibodies to human immunoglobulins [Ig] showed the inhibitory activity to be primarily in the IgG class, but also in the IgA class, of Ig. This is the 1st report of an IgAIg with factor V inhibitory activity. While the inhibitor was present, and at a time when no circulating Factor V activity was detectable, the patient developed septicemia and disseminated intravascular coagulation. The mechanism sustaining disseminated intravascular coagulation despite the absence of circulating factor V activity remains unexplained. The factor V inhibitor disappeared within 5 mo. of its initial detection. Possible origins of factor V inhibitors were discussed.