Raman Spectrum of Gadolinium Molybdate above and below the Ferroelectric Transition

90°-scattered Raman spectra of single-domain gadolinium molybdate have been obtained at room temperature and above the 159 °C ferroelectric transition on several crystal orientations. Lines in the 0-200-cm1 range can all be associated with Raman-active phonons and are identified by symmetry considerations, scattering-efficiency calculations, and comparison of spectra for different crystal orientations. Lines in the 200-1000-cm1 range can be identified with coupled vibrations of tetrahedral molybdate ions. Spectra for frequencies above 1000 cm1 originate from impurity flourescence. The effect of the presence of multiple domains on the spectra was determined; the observed differences between single-domain and multiple-domain crystals result from B1B2 symmetry mixing from the twinning of adjacent domains. No new soft modes, in addition to the known soft mode at about 43 cm1, were observed. A few of the lines that are present in only the low-temperature phase cannot be identified from symmetry analysis and are probably derived from zone-boundary modes of the high-temperature phase.