HLA‐DP antigen and Takayasu arteritis

Sixty-four patients with Takayasu arteritis and 317 healthy individuals in the Japanese population were examined for HLA-A, -B and -C alleles by serological typing and for HLA-DRY DQ and DP alleles by DNA typing using PCR/SSOP analysis. The frequencies of HLA-Bw52, DRB1*1502, DRB5*0102, DQA1*0103. DQB1*0601 and DPB 1*0901 alleles were significantly increased and the frequencies of HLA-Bw54, DRB1*0405, DRB4*0101, DQA1*0301, DQB1*0401 alleles were significantly decreased. Strong linkage disequilibria among the increased alleles and among the decreased alleles were evident in the Japanese population. Therefore, the combination or haplotype of HLA-Bw52-DRB1 *1502-DRB5*0102-DQA 1*0103-DQB 1*0601-DPA 1*02-DPB 1*0901 may confer susceptibility to Takayasu arteritis while another combination or haplotype of HLA-Bw54-DRB1*0405-DRB4*0101-DQA1*0301-DQB1 *0401 may confer resistance to the disease. Because this is the first evidence for the association between an HLA-DP allele and Takayasu arteritis, we examined the nucleotide sequences of the DPB 1*0901 allele from a patient and her healthy relatives and found no difference. The disease is therefore not caused by a mutated DPB1 gene.