A test for rare male mating advantage at an ?enzyme locus? inDrosophila

Matings betweenDrosophila pseudoobscura strains differeing at the amylase (Amy) locus were observed in Elens-Wattiaux chambers. Males homozygous for eitherAmy 1.00 orAmy 0.84 alleles in the CH gene arrangement enjoyed a mating advantage when moderately rare, but none when quite rare. The minority male advantage for strains differing at theAmy locus, and other loci linked to it, was comparable in size to that observed between strains carrying the ST or CH gene arrangements, and either alike or different at theAmy locus. Although some features of our results are puzzling, there is evidence that theAmy locus and others for which it serves as a marker have effects on mating behavior which include some degree of rare male mating advantage.

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