Generalized Fried parameter after adaptive optics partial wave-front compensation

Atmospheric turbulence imposes the resolution limit attainable by large ground-based telescopes. This limit is λ/r0, where r0 is the Fried parameter or seeing cell size. Working in the visible, adaptive optics systems can partially compensate for turbulence-induced distortions. By analogy with the Fried parameter, r0, we have introduced a generalized Fried parameter, ρ0, that plays the same role as r0 but in partial compensation. Using this parameter and the residual phase variance, we have described the phase structure function, estimated the point-spread function halo size, and derived an expression for the Strehl ratio as a function of the degree of compensation. Finally, it is shown that ρ0 represents the diameter of the coherent cells in the pupil domain.

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