The activity pattern of Aotus lemurinus griseimembra can be predictably altered by varying the illuminance during the dark phase of a 12:12-hour light:dark rhythm. Intensities well below full-moon brightness (0.1–0.5 1x) severely inhibit activity. This modulation is not the result of a light-induced phase shift of the circadian rhythm, but it is primarily caused by masking due to direct effects of light on the motor system. Both proportional and differential effects of light are involved. Miniature transmitters were implanted intraperitoneally in two Aotus females so that the core temperature could be measured in parallel with locomotor activity. The responses to brief reductions of of the dark-phase illuminance, from 10–1 to 10–3 1x, 10–5 1x or physiological darkness, indicate that the direct effects of light that modulate the activity of the owl monkeys also affect their temperature time-course. The influence on the temperature rhythm, unlike that on the activity rhythm, varies greatly over the circadian period. The finding that the core temperature does not always change in parallel with locomotor activity and, to some extent, reacts differently to the lightdark alternation indicates that temperature does not simply follow activity passively, but rather is partially subject to a ‘direct’ masking influence of the light.