Refractory Supraventricular Reentry Tachycardia Treated by Radiofrequency Atriai Pacemaker

The authors report on a case of drug‐resistant supraventricular tachycardia with frequent and long‐lasting paroxysmal attacks. Electrophysiologic study revealed that the supraventricular tachycardia was based on a reentry circuit. The attack was regularly induced by premature delay 340‐400 ms atrial stimulation and il could aiways be terminated by rapid atrial stimulation within 1‐2 seconds. Atrioventricular 2:1 hlock occurred with very rapid atrial stimulation of > 190/min. The patient received a radiofrequency atrial pacemaker, and at the first sign of a tachyarrliythmia he switched on the instrument for 1–2 sec. and the attack was promptly terminated, (PACE, Vol. 5, March‐April, 1982)