P1-tuitary-adrenal function was studied in dogs at intervals of 1-36 days after divisionof the pituitary stalk. Aluminum foil was inserted across the site of the transection in an effort to prevent portal vessel regrowth. Baseline peripheral and adrenal venous 17-hydroxycorticosteroids (17-OHCS) were similar in control and stalk-sectioned dogs, and the increase in adrenal venous 17-OHCS after ACTH administration was not significantly different for the 2 groups. Laparotomy induced comparable increases in adrenal venous 17-OHCS in stalk-sectioned and control dogs. Three of 4 stalk-sectioned dogs had increased adrenal venous 17-OHCS after traction on the sciatic nerve. Four of 7 animals had increased 17-OHCS production with the infusion of 2-methyl-l ,2-bis-(3-pyridyl)-1-propanone (Metopirone). Regeneration of the portal vessels could not be demonstrated in the stalk-sectioned dogs.