The dressed ladder Schwinger-Dyson equation for the fermion self-energy Σ(p2) with an additional four-fermion coupling term is studied both analytically and numerically. We limit our analysis to asymptotically free theories with a large hierarchy between the confinement scale Λc and the ultraviolet cutoff Λ. The dependence of the dynamical mass Σ0Σ(0) and the fermion condensate Ψ¯Ψ on the four-fermion coupling strength λ is derived. It is found that there exists a critical four-fermion coupling strength λ2, such that in the region λ<λ2 the dynamical mass Σ0 is of the order of the confinement scale Λc, while in the region λ>λ2 the dynamical mass Σ0 is of the order of the cutoff Λ. In the region λ<λ2, the condensate Ψ¯Ψ picks up an enhancement factor λ2(λ2λ), and in the limit λλ2, reaches the order of Λ2Λc. In the region λ>λ2, the condensate Ψ¯Ψ is of the order of Λ3. The application of the equation to technicolor theories is also discussed.