In a recent paper, Green & Parke (1974) drew attention to some of the systematic problems posed by benthic members of the Haptophyceae. Particular attention was given to Ruttnera spectabilis Geitler (1942) the type species of its genus, which was shown by the fine structure of the zoids to be a member of the Haptophyceae with a characteristic rudimentary haptonema and not, as had been thought previously, a member of the Chrysophyceae (sensu Christensen, 1962). Attention was also drawn to the close similarities between R. spectabilis and Chrysotila lamellosa Anand (1937) both in the vegetative and motile phases, but no formal taxonomic changes were made pending the completion of the comparative reinvestigation of both these species together with C. stipitata Anand, the type species of the genus Chrysotila (so designated by Bourrelly, 1957).