Neuronal systems immunologically related to the somatostatin system in the garden dormouse

Cells and fibers containing somatostatin (SRIF) or SRIF-like peptides were detected immunocytochemically in the brain of the garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus L.). The periventricular preoptic nucleus and the paraventricular nucleus encompass a component of the SRIF-immunoreactive hypothalamoinfundibular and hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal systems. The suprachiasmatic, ventromedial and arcuate nuclei contain a number of SRIF-positive cells and receive a rich SRIF innervation. The extrahypothalamic systems containing SRIF can be subdivided into the following groups: (1) Afferents, the cellular origin of which is not always clearly evident, i.e., fibers of the septum, the lateral preoptic area, the thalamus, the superior olivary nucleus, the mesencephalic gray matter, and the subfornical organ; (2) dispersed cells with short projections (neocortex, caudate nucleus, putamen); (3) scattered cells with short projections (nucleus accumbens) or innervating remote territories (nucleus interpeduncularis); (4) vascular organ of the lamina terminalis, a neurohemal area comparable to the median eminence. These observations lead to a theory of a functional bipotentiality of the somatostatin molecule. Immunocytological results depend on the antisera employed, the type of fixation and the experimental conditions. Adrenalectomy is followed by an accumulation of immunoreactive material in all SRIF-containing systems of the brain. These results clearly indicate that SRIF participates in the function of the CRF-ACTH-adrenal axis. The endocrine disturbance induced by adrenalectomy appears to modify the activity of both the neurohormonal and neuromodulator components of the SRIF system.