Homozygous deletional α+thalassaemia associated with unequal expression of the two remaining α1genes (α1Aand α1Q)

Summary. A Cambodian family presenting several haemoglobinopathies, Hb E, Hb Q and α+ thalassaemia, has been investigated. DNA analysis showed that the thalassaemia syndrome corresponds to a leftward type (4.2 kb) deletional from of α+ thalassaemia. Genotypes found in the family are: propositus -αA/-αQ, βAE, mother and older sister αAαA/ -αQ, βAE; father αAαA/-αA, βAA. The propositus consistently presents an αQA chain ratio of 60/40 although both chains are products of α1 loci. The relatively higher expression of the αQ chain is not observed in the mother and therefore makes it unlikely to reflect anything other than differential expression of the maternal -αQ/ and paternal -αA/ haplotypes. This observation raises the possibility that both haplotypes are not strictly identical and that the region of the cross-over event is important for α gene expression.