The Effect of Fat Level of the Diet on General Nutrition XIII. The Effect of Increasing Dosages of X-Irradiation on the Protective Action of Fat on Radiation Injury

The present tests confirmed the earlier experiments in demonstrating the protective effects of dietary fat against x-irradiation in a variety of doses and given at several time intervals. The rats on the test diets for only three weeks after weaning exhibited the protective effects of fat against x-irradiation as satisfactorily as did rats which had received the test diets for as long as 8 weeks after weaning. The survival time of rats receiving a commercial casein diet which was otherwise fat-free was considerably longer than that of rats on a fat-free diet containing vitamin-test casein. However, the period of survival was prolonged by an additional interval when cottonseed oil was also added to the diet. A simple procedure for studying the effect of diet on protection from x-irradiation involves prefeeding the weanling rats for three weeks on the test diets, followed by exposure of the animals to two 400 r doses of x-rays at intervals of 4 days.