A Reliable Method for Electron Microscopic Examination of Specific Areas from Paraffin-embedded Tissue Mounted on Glass Slides

González-Angulo, Amador, Ruiz de Chávez, Isabel, and Castañeda, Margarita: A reliable method for electron microscopic examination of specific areas from paraffin-embedded tissue mounted on glass slides. Am J Clin Pathol 70: 697–699, 1978. A method to embed and cut tissue mounted on ordinary glass histologic preparations for electron microscopic observations is described. The cover slip is removed by immersing the slide in xylene for a few minutes to several hours. After the cover slip is removed, the tissue is fixed in osmium tetroxide, dehydrated, and embedded in epoxy resins by inverting a BEEM capsulefilledwith the resin on a selected area of the slide. After polymerization, thin sections are obtained and observed with the electron microscope with good results.