Three-dimensional facial growth studied by optical surface scanning

The objective of the investigation was to study the three-dimensional growth of the face, and to examine the hypothesis that there are three-dimensional differences between the faces of boys and girls. The subjects comprised 132 British Caucasians aged 5–10 years measured by optical surface scanning in this cross-sectional study. Average scans for each age and sex subgroup were superimposed to assess the differences with age and sex. Males were generally larger than females. The greatest difference was between the facial heights and the least in the mid-facial dimensions. The face height of both sexes increased by an average of 3–4 mm annually. Mid-face prominence and width altered little. Mandibular width increased by 1–3 mm a year, rising to 3–5 mm in some years at the inferior areas of the mandibular region. Mandibular prominence also increased. Nose height and prominence and alar base width increased by 2 mm per year on average. Dorsum width changed little. Boys were generally larger than girl...

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