Specific Binding of Integrase to the Origin of Transfer ( oriT ) of the Conjugative Transposon Tn 916

Purified integrase protein (Int) of the conjugative transposon Tn 916 was shown, using nuclease protection experiments, to bind specifically to a site within the origin of conjugal transfer of the transposon, oriT . A sequence similar to the ends of the transposon that are bound by the C-terminal DNA-binding domain of Int was present in the protected region. However, Int binding to oriT required both the N- and C-terminal DNA-binding domains of Int, and the pattern of nuclease protection differed from that observed when Int binds to the transposon ends and flanking DNA. Binding of Int to oriT may be part of a mechanism to prevent premature conjugal transfer of Tn 916 prior to excision from the donor DNA.