Effects of removal in late pregnancy of the corpus luteum, Graafian follicle or ovaries on plasma progesterone, oestradiol, LH, parturition and post-partum oestrus in the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii

Concentrations of oestradiol-17.beta., progesterone, and luteinizing hormone (LH) were measured in plasma collected at 6- to 12-h intervals from tammars around the time of parturition and post-partum oestrus. Parturition occurred on Day 26 or 27 after reactivation of lactation-delayed pregnancy and coincided with a precipitous decline in progesterone levels. A sharp rise in oestradiol, from basal concentrations of < 10 pg/ml to a peak of 13 to 32 pg/ml, as well as oestrus, followed the drop in progesterone by 8.3 and 9.8 h, respectively. The LH surge was dependent on the oestradiol rise and followed it by 7 h. Ovulation followed mating by about 30 h and the LH surge by 24 h. Removal of the ovary with the large Graafian follicle prevented the oesradiol rise, oestrus and the LH surge, but not parturition. Peripartum changes in perpheral oestradiol do not appear to be involved in initiation of parturition but the oestradiol rise and associated change in the oestradiol-progesterone ratio are important signals for post-partum oestrus and the LH surge.