Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate in Winsor I-Like System

Methyl methacrylate (MMA) was polymerized in a ternary Winsor I-like system (WL) which was comprised of two clear phases: a micro-emulsion phase containing a cationic surfactant and a bulk MMA phase. The polymerization of MMA proceeded only in the microemulsion phase at the expense of the bulk MMA phase. The method is suitable for producing high molecular weights of PMMA (106) with a relatively high weight ratio (8:1) of polymer to surfactant. Unlike styrene polymerization in a similar WL system, PMMA latex particles of nanosizes (30–60 nm in diameter) were rather polydispersed. Factors that affect the polydispersity of PMMA particles obtained by this WL method are discussed in conjunction with the nucleation mechanisms.