No Significant Correlation of HLA—B8 and Amount of Antibodies Directed to Acetylcholine Receptor Protein in Patients with Myasthenia Gravis

Forty patients with myasthenia gravis were HLA tissue typed and the amount of anti-acetylcholine receptor protein antibody [Ab] determined. Sera from 7 patients were tested for Ab titer by repeated determinations and the serum concentration was stable. Patients with thymoma had higher titers than patients with normal thymus histology or hyperplasia. Individuals with thymoma lacking HLA-B8 had a higher concentration of Ab than HLA-B8 negative individuals with hyperplasia. No statistically significant differences were obtained when comparing the amount of Ab in HLA-B8 positive and negative individuals. Titers in patients subjected to thymectomy more than 8 yr before sampling did not deviate from those in non-thymectomized myasthenics.