Vacuum-Ultraviolet Photolysis of N2O. I. Metastable Species Produced at 1470 Å

Various photometric techniques have been used to obtain information about the reactions and quantum yields of the metastable species formed in N2O photolysis at 1470 Å. The total quantum yield of atoms is 1.0; O ( 1 S) is produced with a quantum yield of 0.5; O ( 1 D) has a measured quantum yield of 0.55, although this value may include electronically quenched O ( 1 S) ; the N 2 (A 3 Σ) quantum yield is 0.08, which, from spin considerations, must also be equal to the O ( 3 P) yield. N ( 2 D) is produced, and reacts with N2O, apparently quite inefficiently, to give NO (B 2 Π) .

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