(π±,π±p) reaction at 245 MeV

The inclusive (π±,π±p) reactions on C, Fe, and Bi were studied at 245 MeV in a broad kinematic range by means of coincidence measurement of the outgoing particles. The πp angular correlations and proton-energy spectra show features consistent with those expected from quasifree scattering. It is observed that about 80% of the inclusive inelastic scattering cross section at backward pion angles may be attributed to nucleon knockout mechanisms. The results allow identification of the direct quasifree process, unperturbed by higher order effects, which accounts for 30%, 20%, and 15% of the C, Fe, and Bi inclusive (π+,π+) differential cross sections, respectively. The ratio of positive to negative pion cross sections for quasifree scattering, integrated over the proton energy and angle, are in agreement with the ratio for free πp scattering. Such is not the case for various proton angles. The deviation of the positive to negative ratio at the peak of the proton angular correlation from the free scattering ratio is most pronounced for more forward pion angles.